
I would call myself someone who is continually traversing — starting with being adopted from Bangalore, India. As a part of a three-fold set of goals that my parents had individually expressed to one another on their first date, the two other goals included fostering children and going abroad to do missions work. The traveling path continued from India brought me south central Wisconsin. During that time, I moved houses four times.  Along the way, I was transported from the city to the country (the city bug has always remained). It was in the fourth grade that my family chose to go to Romania and do medical relief. Not long after I attended boarding school in Kandern, Germany. This odd combination of places and cultures imbued with a sense of compassion and understanding that goes beyond borders. The images I make are marked by those experiences in a line that wanders, in the range of shapes I use. Often strange forms that don’t seem to belong anywhere. For me, however, these marks are way of capturing memories. much like a family photo album would serve to capture a memory or moment. I continue to enjoy making motifs as my journey is not yet complete, and my goal of bringing others along through my design journey is ongoing.